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Udhyam Learning Foundation

Our role in Saamuhika Shakti

With Saamuhika Shakti, Udhyam will work with the ~200 entrepreneurs created during Phase 1 from among the waste pickers. As the first step, the team will delve deep into the lives of these entrepreneurs to identify bottlenecks they face in running their enterprises. The team will then, jointly with the entrepreneur’s ecosystem, ideate to create solutions to the identified problems as well as unlock growth opportunities, thus setting them up for greater profitability, scale and efficiency. The key outcomes targeted are two-fold:

What we do?

Udhyam Vyapaar is one of two verticals of Udhyam Learning Foundation, and aims to bring alive its mission “Making Bharat Entrepreneurial'' among the nano-entrepreneurs. Udhyam Vyapaar works with existing entrepreneurs (Vyapaaris) who are essentially necessity entrepreneurs, earning on an average less than INR 25000 a month. Udhyam Vyapaar helps these Vyapaaris scale their businesses, make them successful in life, and move them towards their highest human potential.
Udhyam Vyapaar’s long term vision is to make nano-entrepreneurship a profitable and respectable profession, and thus providing an avenue for people to become proud job-creators instead of job-seekers.
Udhyam Vyapaar currently works with entrepreneurs in urban and rural areas, across multiple business segments like ironing vendors, food street vendors, home based food businesses, tailors, small cloth shops, and many more. While working with entrepreneurs of each business segment, a unique business-specific solution matrix is created across sourcing, market linkage, product and processes. This ever-evolving solution matrix accelerates the process of solution identification when working with other entrepreneurs from the same business segment.

Meet our Waste Entrepreneurs

Our Waste Entrepreneurs (WEs) have played a crucial role in our distinctive endeavour to establish the Circular Textile Waste Management (CTWM) model in 8 wards of Bengaluru. Their courage in taking the first steps to engage with this model has been pivotal in our journey towards “Closing the Loop on Textile Waste”. Collectively, our 8 WEs have successfully diverted approximately 130,000 kg of post-consumer textile waste from ending up in landfills between March 2023 and November 2023.
Indumathi, Ward 150,
Nagaraja, Ward 28,
HBR Layout
Riyaz, Ward 196,
Sagaya Merry, Ward 179,
Shakambri Nagar
Anthony, Ward 197,
Manjunath, Ward 192,
Krishna, Ward 112,
Kumuda, Ward 177,
JP Nagar

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