In parts of Bengaluru, a transformative journey unfolds for nano-entrepreneurs from the waste-picking communities with support from Saamuhika Shakti partner, Udhyam Learning Foundation. This effort focuses on growth, sustainability and empowerment, helping individuals navigate challenges, unlock opportunities and achieve lasting change.
LED balloon sellers, once trapped in cycles of high-interest debt, are now breaking free with support from Udhyam. By helping establish credit connections with the balloon sellers inventory vendors by acting as an initial guarantor, Udhyam has enabled waste nanopreneurs to access materials on a store credit model without upfront payments, significantly impacting their access to capital.
Additionally, training in LED component repair and inventory management have allowed balloon sellers to reduce wastage from as high as 25% to almost zero per batch, which has also positively impacted their earnings.
In this video interview, Gowramma, an LED balloon seller from North Bengaluru, and Anu, Project Lead at Udhyam Learning Foundation, share insights on small but impactful interventions that have led to higher incomes, reduced financial stress and a shift from survival to sustained growth.
In parts of Bengaluru, a transformative journey unfolds for nano-entrepreneurs from the waste-picking communities with support from Saamuhika Shakti partner, Udhyam Learning Foundation. This effort focuses on growth, sustainability and empowerment, helping individuals navigate challenges, unlock opportunities and achieve lasting change.
LED balloon sellers, once trapped in cycles of high-interest debt, are now breaking free with support from Udhyam. By helping establish credit connections with the balloon sellers inventory vendors by acting as an initial guarantor, Udhyam has enabled waste nanopreneurs to access materials on a store credit model without upfront payments, significantly impacting their access to capital.
Additionally, training in LED component repair and inventory management have allowed balloon sellers to reduce wastage from as high as 25% to almost zero per batch, which has also positively impacted their earnings.
In this video interview, Gowramma, an LED balloon seller from North Bengaluru, and Anu, Project Lead at Udhyam Learning Foundation, share insights on small but impactful interventions that have led to higher incomes, reduced financial stress and a shift from survival to sustained growth.