Saamuhika Shakti photographer Vinod Sebastian spent a day with hair pickers in Electronic City. This lesser-known aspect of waste work is a generations-old source of livelihood and helps reduce the amount of mixed waste we send out of our homes.
Hair pickers clean, sort and sell fallen hair that ends up in human hair wigs and can even be used as agricultural fertilizer. Here’s Vinod’s detailed visual account of the community and its work.
The hair collected by these communities often ends up in luxury products, but the women and men, at the bottom of the chain, earn very little from it. Hasiru Dala has been working on exploring new opportunities and market access for the community to help them earn more from their work.
Saamuhika Shakti photographer Vinod Sebastian spent a day with hair pickers in Electronic City. This lesser-known aspect of waste work is a generations-old source of livelihood and helps reduce the amount of mixed waste we send out of our homes.
Hair pickers clean, sort and sell fallen hair that ends up in human hair wigs and can even be used as agricultural fertilizer. Here’s Vinod’s detailed visual account of the community and its work.
The hair collected by these communities often ends up in luxury products, but the women and men, at the bottom of the chain, earn very little from it. Hasiru Dala has been working on exploring new opportunities and market access for the community to help them earn more from their work.